Sluiswachter Terneuzen
Living by the water is and remains special. The appeal of the water is huge. Enjoying looking over the harbors from your lazy chair with a view that literally changes every day. A live painting that never bores.
De Sluiswachter is located directly at the commercial port of Terneuzen and therefore offers a fantastic view over the port, the lock complex of Terneuzen and even over the Westerschelde.
The new complex De Sluiswachter will provide space for 46 buy and rental apartments in several types and various dimensions. In addition there will be several shops in the complex.
Commissioned by contractor Van der Poel from Terneuzen we carried out various activities. For example, GSNED conducted the geotechnical soil investigation which included around 50 standard CPT’s, 14 piezo CPT’s, 150 MAG-CPT’s and several environmental drillings. The MAG CPT’s have been used to detect the grout anchors of the adjacent quay construction. In this manner the locations of the new drill piles can be determined without hitting an existing anchor. Besides the CPT’s, GSNED placed various piezo meters and vibration meters, the latter both in the ground as on the quay and on the nearby buildings in accordance with the monitoring plan prepared by BMNED. During the pile driving works of the foundation piles the vibration meters have been monitored every day and each day a complete measuring cycle was performed on the existing buildings around the new build. In addition to the foundation advice with all related measurements, BMNED also provided technical support for various licensing applications. A review on the influence of the new building on the existing quay has also been made.
Facts & Figures
- Aannemersbedrijf Van der Poel
- 2017 - 2018