BioTfeuL project Dunkirk
The BioTfuel project was established in 2009 by Axens, IFP Energies Nouvelles, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Avril, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions and Total with the aim to validate technologies and to improve and create a complete production chain for second-generation biodiesel and bio-kerosene made of straw, forest residues and crops. The ambitious objective of the project partners is to make it possible to produce 200,000 tons of biodiesel and bio-kerosene per year out of one million tonnes of biomass.
One of the testing arrangements will be situated in Dunkirk, near the home of Total.
Commisioned by Jacbo Pfahlgründungen GmbH BMNED provides the engineering of the pile foundation. Both bearing capacity as well as pile reinforcement will be further elaborated by the consultants of BMNED in accordance with the current French standards. GSNED, the fieldwork department of BMNED, will carry out the geotechnical site investigation. In addition to the standard registrations, such as the cone resistance, the local friction and the slope, additional registration of magnetic irregularities which are caused by metallic objects are being carried out. GSNED also provides the plotting, measuring and acoustically testing the integrity of the foundation piles which are manufactured by Jacbo Pfahlgründungen GmbH.
Facts & Figures
- Jacbo Pfahlgründungen GmbH